Matthew F. Shaw, Ph.D.

2004 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Mental Health and Public Policy
"Matthew Shaw"
Mean distance: 7124.4 (cluster 13)


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John Lyons grad student 2004 Northwestern
 (Criminal and hospital recidivism of NGRI acquittees.)
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Shaw MF, McGovern MP, Angres DH, et al. (2004) Physicians and nurses with substance use disorders. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 47: 561-71
Angres DH, McGovern MP, Shaw MF, et al. (2003) Psychiatric comorbidity and physicians with substance use disorders: a comparison between the 1980s and 1990s. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 22: 79-87
McGovern MP, Angres DH, Shaw M, et al. (2003) Gender of physicians with substance use disorders: clinical characteristics, treatment utilization, and post-treatment functioning. Substance Use & Misuse. 38: 993-1001
Angres DH, McGovern MP, Rawal P, et al. (2002) Psychiatric Comorbidity and Physicians With Substance Use Disorders: Clinical Characteristics, Treatment Experiences, and Post-Treatment Functioning Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment. 1: 89-98
Lyons JS, Shaw MF. (2002) Commentary: Creating Order Out of Chaos: A Response to "Lining Up for Children's Mental Health Services" Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 41: 376-377
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