Suganya Karunakaran

Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"Suganya Karunakaran"
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Kamousi B, Karunakaran S, Gururangan K, et al. (2020) Monitoring the Burden of Seizures and Highly Epileptiform Patterns in Critical Care with a Novel Machine Learning Method. Neurocritical Care
Karunakaran S, Rollo MJ, Kim K, et al. (2017) The interictal mesial temporal lobe epilepsy network. Epilepsia
Karunakaran S, Grasse DW, Moxon KA. (2016) Role of CA3 theta-modulated interneurons during the transition to spontaneous seizures abbreviated title: Theta-modulated interneurons and seizures. Experimental Neurology
Grasse DW, Karunakaran S, Moxon KA. (2013) Neuronal synchrony and the transition to spontaneous seizures. Experimental Neurology. 248: 72-84
Karunakaran S, Grasse DW, Moxon KA. (2012) Changes in network dynamics during status epilepticus. Experimental Neurology. 234: 454-65
Grasse DW, Karunakaran S, Moxon KA. (2011) Closed-loop seizure prediction and prevention in rats with kainate-induced seizures 2011 5th International Ieee/Embs Conference On Neural Engineering, Ner 2011. 426-429
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