Hannele Ruohola-Baker

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Hannele Ruohola-Baker"
Mean distance: 13.74 (cluster 11)
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Katherine C. Jordan grad student 2000 University of Washington (FlyTree)
Steven H. Reynolds grad student 2010 University of Washington (FlyTree)
Wenyu Zhou grad student 2012 University of Washington (FlyTree)
Diem-Hang Nguyen-Tran grad student 2013 University of Washington (FlyTree)
Wu-min Deng post-doc (FlyTree)
Jenn-Yah Yu post-doc 2006-2008 University of Washington
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Hanson-Drury S, Patni AP, Lee DL, et al. (2023) Single Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Human Tooth Type Identity and Guides hiPSC Derived Odontoblast Differentiation (iOB). Frontiers in Dental Medicine. 4
Alghadeer A, Hanson-Drury S, Patni AP, et al. (2023) Single-cell census of human tooth development enables generation of human enamel. Developmental Cell
Ehnes DD, Alghadeer A, Hanson-Drury S, et al. (2022) Sci-Seq of Human Fetal Salivary Tissue Introduces Human Transcriptional Paradigms and a Novel Cell Population. Frontiers in Dental Medicine. 3
Taslim TH, Hussein AM, Keshri R, et al. (2022) Stress-induced reversible cell-cycle arrest requires PRC2/PRC1-mediated control of mitophagy in Drosophila germline stem cells and human iPSCs. Stem Cell Reports
Somasundaram L, Levy S, Hussein AM, et al. (2020) Epigenetic metabolites license stem cell states. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 138: 209-240
Ishibashi JR, Taslim TH, Ruohola-Baker H. (2020) Germline stem cell aging in the Drosophila ovary. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 37: 57-62
Ehnes DD, Hussein AM, Ware CB, et al. (2020) Combinatorial metabolism drives the naive to primed pluripotent chromatin landscape. Experimental Cell Research. 111913
Hussein AM, Wang Y, Mathieu J, et al. (2020) Metabolic Control over mTOR-Dependent Diapause-like State. Developmental Cell. 52: 236-250.e7
Wang Y, Hussein AM, Somasundaram L, et al. (2019) microRNAs Regulating Human and Mouse Naïve Pluripotency. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20
Miklas JW, Clark E, Levy S, et al. (2019) TFPa/HADHA is required for fatty acid beta-oxidation and cardiolipin re-modeling in human cardiomyocytes. Nature Communications. 10: 4671
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