Alysia Y. Blandon, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2005 | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI |
Socioemotional Development, Fathers, Attachment, SiblingsGoogle:
"Alysia Blandon"Mean distance: 26716.5 (cluster 20)
Sign in to add mentorBrenda L. Volling | grad student | 2005 | University of Michigan | |
(Marital intimacy and family subsystems: Links with coparenting, parenting, parental well -being and siblings' compliance.) |
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Scrimgeour MB, Mariotti EC, Blandon AY. (2016) Children's Physiological Regulation and Sibling Conflict as Correlates of Children's Conscience Development Social Development. 26: 329-348 |
Chester CE, Blandon AY. (2016) Dual trajectories of maternal parenting stress and marital intimacy during toddlerhood Personal Relationships |
Morales S, Beekman C, Blandon AY, et al. (2015) Longitudinal associations between temperament and socioemotional outcomes in young children: the moderating role of RSA and gender. Developmental Psychobiology. 57: 105-19 |
Shewark EA, Blandon AY. (2015) Mothers' and fathers' emotion socialization and children's emotion regulation: A within-family model Social Development. 24: 266-284 |
Blandon AY. (2015) Mothers' and Fathers' Responses to Children's Negative Emotions: Family and Physiological Correlates Family Relations. 64: 431-445 |
Blandon AY, Scrimgeour MB. (2015) Child, parenting, and situational characteristics associated with toddlers' prosocial behaviour Infant and Child Development |
Blandon AY, Scrimgeour MB, Stifter CA, et al. (2014) Within- and between-family differences in cooperative and competitive coparenting. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 28: 106-11 |
Scrimgeour MB, Blandon AY, Stifter CA, et al. (2013) Cooperative coparenting moderates the association between parenting practices and children's prosocial behavior. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 27: 506-11 |
Blandon AY, Calkins SD, Grimm KJ, et al. (2010) Testing a developmental cascade model of emotional and social competence and early peer acceptance. Development and Psychopathology. 22: 737-48 |
Blandon AY, Calkins SD, Keane SP, et al. (2010) Contributions of child's physiology and maternal behavior to children's trajectories of temperamental reactivity. Developmental Psychology. 46: 1089-102 |