Brett M. Wingeier

NeuroPace, Mountain View, CA, United States 
EEG, Neurostimulation, Epilepsy
"Brett Wingeier"
Mean distance: 17.36 (cluster 15)


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Richard B. Silberstein grad student Swinburne University of Technology
Paul L. Nunez grad student 2004 Tulane
 (A high -resolution study of large-scale dynamic properties of human EEG.)
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Sillay KA, Rutecki P, Cicora K, et al. (2013) Long-term measurement of impedance in chronically implanted depth and subdural electrodes during responsive neurostimulation in humans. Brain Stimulation. 6: 718-26
Bronte-Stewart H, Barberini C, Koop MM, et al. (2009) The STN beta-band profile in Parkinson's disease is stationary and shows prolonged attenuation after deep brain stimulation. Experimental Neurology. 215: 20-8
Chan AM, Sun FT, Boto EH, et al. (2008) Automated seizure onset detection for accurate onset time determination in intracranial EEG. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 119: 2687-96
Wingeier B, Tcheng T, Koop MM, et al. (2006) Intra-operative STN DBS attenuates the prominent beta rhythm in the STN in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Neurology. 197: 244-51
Wingeier BM, Nunez PL, Silberstein RB. (2001) Spherical harmonic decomposition applied to spatial-temporal analysis of human high-density electroencephalogram. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 64: 051916
Nunez PL, Wingeier BM, Silberstein RB. (2001) Spatial-temporal structures of human alpha rhythms: theory, microcurrent sources, multiscale measurements, and global binding of local networks. Human Brain Mapping. 13: 125-64
Wingeier B, Silberstein R, Nunez P. (2001) Spatial-temporal power spectra of human EEG show wavelike dispersion relations and change with cognitive state Neuroimage. 13: 283
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