Ashton C. Southard, Ph.D.

2014 Psychology The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, United States 
vision, haptics, fractals
"Ashton Southard"
Mean distance: 20.83 (cluster 15)


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Virgil Zeigler-Hill grad student Oakland University
Alen Hajnal grad student 2014 University of Southern Mississippi
 (Who will defy authority? Personality features and destructive obedience in the Milgram paradigm.)
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Zeigler-Hill V, Cosby CA, Vrabel JK, et al. (2020) Narcissism and mate retention behaviors: What strategies do narcissistic individuals use to maintain their romantic relationships?: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 37: 2737-2757
Zeigler-Hill V, Vrabel JK, McCabe GA, et al. (2018) Narcissism and the Pursuit of Status. Journal of Personality
Vrabel JK, Zeigler-Hill V, Southard AC. (2018) Self-esteem and envy: Is state self-esteem instability associated with the benign and malicious forms of envy? Personality and Individual Differences. 123: 100-104
Pollock NC, McCabe GA, Southard AC, et al. (2016) Pathological personality traits and emotion regulation difficulties Personality and Individual Differences. 95: 168-177
Southard AC, Zeigler-Hill V. (2016) The Dark Triad Traits and Fame Interest: Do Dark Personalities Desire Stardom? Current Psychology. 1-13
Zeigler-Hill V, Holden CJ, Enjaian B, et al. (2015) Self-esteem instability and personality: the connections between feelings of self-worth and the big five dimensions of personality. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 41: 183-98
Southard AC, Noser AE, Pollock NC, et al. (2015) The interpersonal nature of dark personality features Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 34: 555-586
Noser AE, Zeigler-Hill V, Vrabel JK, et al. (2015) Dark and immoral: The links between pathological personality features and moral values Personality and Individual Differences. 75: 30-35
Holub AM, Zeigler-Hill V, Southard AC, et al. (2015) Shining light on the darker aspects of personality Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 105. 1-20
Southard AC, Zeigler-Hill V, Shackelford TK. (2014) Evolutionary perspectives on human personality: comment on “personality from a cognitive-biological perspective” by Y. Neuman. Physics of Life Reviews. 11: 693-4
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