Jay Newby, Ph.D.

2010 Mathematics University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Theoretical Neurocience
"Jay Newby"
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Paul C. Bressloff grad student 2010 University of Utah
 (Molecular motor-based models of random intermittent search in dendrites.)
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Isaacson SA, Mauro AJ, Newby J. (2016) Uniform asymptotic approximation of diffusion to a small target: Generalized reaction models. Physical Review. E. 94: 042414
Newby J, Allard J. (2016) First-Passage Time to Clear the Way for Receptor-Ligand Binding in a Crowded Environment. Physical Review Letters. 116: 128101
Bressloff PC, Newby JM. (2014) Path integrals and large deviations in stochastic hybrid systems. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 89: 042701
Bressloff PC, Newby JM. (2014) Stochastic hybrid model of spontaneous dendritic NMDA spikes. Physical Biology. 11: 016006
Newby J, Chapman J. (2014) Metastable behavior in Markov processes with internal states. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 69: 941-76
Newby JM, Bressloff PC, Keener JP. (2013) Breakdown of fast-slow analysis in an excitable system with channel noise. Physical Review Letters. 111: 128101
Isaacson SA, Newby J. (2013) Uniform asymptotic approximation of diffusion to a small target. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 88: 012820
Bressloff PC, Newby JM. (2013) Metastability in a stochastic neural network modeled as a velocity jump markov process Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 12: 1394-1435
Bressloff PC, Newby JM. (2013) Stochastic models of intracellular transport Reviews of Modern Physics. 85: 135-196
Bressloff PC, Newby JM. (2012) Filling of a Poisson trap by a population of random intermittent searchers. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 85: 031909
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