Jingjian Ren, Ph.D.

2012 Electrical Engineering University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States 
learning and memory
"Jingjian Ren"
Mean distance: 16.73 (cluster 6)


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li Liu grad student 2012 UC Riverside
 (Engineer Nanocrystal Floating Gate Memory Scaling.)
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Qi J, Huang J, Paul D, et al. (2013) Current self-complianced and self-rectifying resistive switching in Ag-electroded single Na-doped ZnO nanowires. Nanoscale. 5: 2651-4
Ren J, Yan D, Chu S, et al. (2013) Non-volatile memory effect of a high-density NiSi nano-dots floating gate memory using single triangular-shaped Si nanowire channel Applied Physics a: Materials Science and Processing. 111: 719-724
Qi J, Olmedo M, Ren J, et al. (2012) Resistive switching in single epitaxial ZnO nanoislands. Acs Nano. 6: 1051-8
Ren J, Li B, Zheng JG, et al. (2012) Nonplanar NiSi nanocrystal floating-gate memory based on a triangular-shaped Si nanowire array for extending nanocrystal memory scaling limit Ieee Electron Device Letters. 33: 1390-1392
Ren J, Hu H, Liu F, et al. (2012) Strain-less directed self-assembly of Si nanocrystals on patterned SiO 2 substrate Journal of Applied Physics. 112
Chu S, Ren J, Yan D, et al. (2012) Noble metal nanodisks epitaxially formed on ZnO nanorods and their effect on photoluminescence Applied Physics Letters. 101
Ren J, Li B, Zheng JG, et al. (2012) High-density NiSi nanocrystals embedded in Al 2O 3/SiO 2 double-barrier for robust retention of nonvolatile memory Solid-State Electronics. 67: 23-26
Kong J, Chu S, Zuo Z, et al. (2012) Low-threshold ZnO random lasing in a homojunction diode with embedded double heterostructure Applied Physics a: Materials Science and Processing. 107: 971-975
Qi J, Ren J, Olmedo M, et al. (2012) Unipolar resistive switching in Au/Cr/Mg 0.84Zn 0.16O 2.δ/p +-Si Applied Physics a: Materials Science and Processing. 107: 891-897
Liu J, Chu S, Wang G, et al. (2012) Electrically pumped UV nanowire lasers 2012 Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cleo 2012
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