David J. Hardisty, Ph.D.

2011 Psychology Columbia University, New York, NY 
"David Hardisty"
Mean distance: 16.9 (cluster 23)


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Elke Weber grad student 2011 Columbia
 (Temporal Discounting of Losses.)


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Ray Charles "Chuck" Howard grad student (PsychTree)
Shangwen Yi grad student UBC
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Hardisty DJ, Weber EU. (2020) Impatience and Savoring vs. Dread: Asymmetries in Anticipation Explain Consumer Time Preferences for Positive vs. Negative Events Journal of Consumer Psychology
Molouki S, Hardisty DJ, Caruso EM. (2019) The Sign Effect in Past and Future Discounting. Psychological Science. 956797619876982
Allard T, Hardisty DJ, Griffin D. (2019) When “More” Seems Like Less: Differential Price Framing Increases the Choice Share of Higher-Priced Options Journal of Marketing Research. 56: 826-841
Hardisty DJ, Beall AT, Lubowski R, et al. (2019) A carbon price by another name may seem sweeter: Consumers prefer upstream offsets to downstream taxes Journal of Environmental Psychology. 66: 101342
Read D, Olivola CY, Hardisty DJ. (2017) The Value of Nothing: Asymmetric Attention to Opportunity Costs Drives Intertemporal Decision Making Management Science. 63: 4277-4297
Hardisty DJ, Pfeffer J. (2017) Intertemporal Uncertainty Avoidance: When the Future Is Uncertain, People Prefer the Present, and When the Present Is Uncertain, People Prefer the Future Management Science. 63: 519-527
Wilson RS, Hardisty DJ, Epanchin-Niell RS, et al. (2015) A typology of time-scale mismatches and behavioral interventions to diagnose and solve conservation problems. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology
Hardisty DJ, Appelt KC, Weber EU. (2013) Good or Bad, We Want it Now: Fixed-cost Present Bias for Gains and Losses Explains Magnitude Asymmetries in Intertemporal Choice Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 26: 348-361
Hardisty DJ, Appelt KC, Weber EU. (2013) Good or Bad, We Want it Now: Fixed-cost Present Bias for GainsandLosses Explains Magnitude Asymmetries in Intertemporal Choice: Good or Bad, We Want it Now Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 26: 348-361
Arora P, Peterson ND, Krantz DH, et al. (2012) To cooperate or not to cooperate: Using new methodologies and frameworks to understand how affiliation influences cooperation in the present and future Journal of Economic Psychology. 33: 842-853
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