Peter Fong, Ph.D.

2003 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Imaging Science
"Peter Fong"
Mean distance: 16 (cluster 23)


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John C. Gore grad student 2003 Yale
 (Development and characterization of normoxic polymer gels for ionizing radiation dosimetry.)
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Joers JM, Fong PM, Gore JC. (2006) Detection of radiation effects in polymer gel dosimeters using 129Xe NMR. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 51: N23-30
Gochberg DF, Fong PM, Gore JC. (2003) A quantitative study of magnetization transfer in MAGIC gels. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 48: N277-82
Gore JC, Fong P. (2002) Reply to `Scavenging is no magic' Physics in Medicine and Biology. 47
Fong PM, Keil DC, Does MD, et al. (2001) Polymer gels for magnetic resonance imaging of radiation dose distributions at normal room atmosphere. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 46: 3105-13
Gochberg DF, Fong PM, Gore JC. (2001) Studies of magnetization transfer and relaxation in irradiated polymer gels--interpretation of MRI-based dosimetry. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 46: 799-811
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