Cenita S. Kupperbusch, Ph.D.

2002 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Cenita Kupperbusch"
Mean distance: 16.18 (cluster 15)


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Robert W. Levenson grad student 2002 UC Berkeley
 (Change in marital satisfaction and change in health in middle -aged and older long -term married couples.)
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Kunzmann U, Kupperbusch CS, Levenson RW. (2005) Behavioral inhibition and amplification during emotional arousal: a comparison of two age groups. Psychology and Aging. 20: 144-58
Matsumoto D, Kupperbusch C. (2001) Idiocentric and allocentric differences in emotional expression, experience, and the coherence between expression and experience Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 4: 113-131
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