Jane K. Hamlin, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | Yale University, New Haven, CT |
"Jane Hamlin"Mean distance: 17.21 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Tan E, Hamlin JK. (2021) Mechanisms of social evaluation in infancy: A preregistered exploration of infants' eye-movement and pupillary responses to prosocial and antisocial events. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 27: 255-276 |
Lucca K, Hamlin JK, Sommerville JA. (2019) Editorial: Early Moral Cognition and Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 2013 |
McAuliffe K, Bogese M, Chang LW, et al. (2019) Do Dogs Prefer Helpers in an Infant-Based Social Evaluation Task? Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 591 |
Koenig MA, Tiberius V, Hamlin JK. (2019) Children's Judgments of Epistemic and Moral Agents: From Situations to Intentions. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 1745691618805452 |
Hamlin JK. (2019) Social Behavior: Bonobos Are Nice but Prefer Mean Guys. Current Biology : Cb. 28: R164-R166 |
Van de Vondervoort JW, Hamlin JK. (2018) Preschoolers Focus on Others' Intentions When Forming Sociomoral Judgments. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1851 |
Tan E, Mikami AY, Hamlin JK. (2018) Do infant sociomoral evaluation and action studies predict preschool social and behavioral adjustment? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 176: 39-54 |
Hamlin J, Van de Vondervoort J. (2018) Infants’ and Young Children’s Preferences for Prosocial over Antisocial Others Human Development. 61: 214-231 |
Frank MC, Bergelson E, Bergmann C, et al. (2017) A Collaborative Approach to Infant Research: Promoting Reproducibility, Best Practices, and Theory-Building. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 22: 421-435 |
Steckler CM, Liberman Z, Van de Vondervoort JW, et al. (2017) Feeling out a link between feeling and infant sociomoral evaluation. The British Journal of Developmental Psychology |