Terrance T. Kummer, Ph.D.

2006 Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 
"Terrance Kummer"
Mean distance: 14.91 (cluster 11)


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Joshua R. Sanes grad student 2006 Washington University
 (Nerve -muscle interactions during the formation and maturation of the mammalian neuromuscular junction.)
David L. Brody research scientist 2012-2015 Washington University School of Medicine
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Yang HC, Lavadi RS, Sauerbeck AD, et al. (2023) Diffusion basis spectrum imaging detects subclinical traumatic optic neuropathy in a closed-head impact mouse model of traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neurology. 14: 1269817
Celorrio M, Rhodes J, Shumilov K, et al. (2022) Recombinant human erythropoietin induces neuroprotection, activates MAPK/CREB pathway, and rescues fear memory after traumatic brain injury with delayed hypoxemia in mice. Brain Research. 1795: 148074
Jiang H, Esparza TJ, Kummer TT, et al. (2021) Unbiased high-content screening reveals Aβ- and tau-independent synaptotoxic activities in human brain homogenates from Alzheimer's patients and high-pathology controls. Plos One. 16: e0259335
Frye HE, Izumi Y, Harris AN, et al. (2021) Sex Differences in the Role of CNIH3 on Spatial Memory and Synaptic Plasticity. Biological Psychiatry
Reitz SJ, Sauerbeck AD, Kummer TT. (2021) Enhanced Multiplexing of Immunofluorescence Microscopy Using a Long-Stokes-Shift Fluorophore. Current Protocols. 1: e214
Wani A, Zhu J, Ulrich JD, et al. (2021) Neuronal VCP loss of function recapitulates FTLD-TDP pathology. Cell Reports. 36: 109399
Reitz SJ, Sauerbeck AD, Kummer TT. (2021) SEQUIN: An imaging and analysis platform for quantification and characterization of synaptic structures in mouse. Star Protocols. 2: 100268
Gratuze M, Leyns CE, Sauerbeck AD, et al. (2020) Impact of TREM2R47H variant on tau pathology-induced gliosis and neurodegeneration. The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Sauerbeck AD, Gangolli M, Reitz SJ, et al. (2020) SEQUIN Multiscale Imaging of Mammalian Central Synapses Reveals Loss of Synaptic Connectivity Resulting from Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury. Neuron
Jiang H, Esparza TJ, Kummer TT, et al. (2020) Live Neuron High-Content Screening Reveals Synaptotoxic Activity in Alzheimer Mouse Model Homogenates. Scientific Reports. 10: 3412
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