Scott R. Carlson, Ph.D.

2005 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
behavior genetics, brain, psychopathology
"Scott Carlson"
Mean distance: 16.9 (cluster 15)


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William G. Iacono grad student 2005 UMN
 (P300 amplitude development from adolescence to adulthood, parental antisocial substance disorder, and genetic influences: A longitudinal twin study.)
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Thomson CJ, Power RJ, Carlson SR, et al. (2015) A comparison of genetic variants between proficient low- and high-risk sport participants. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-10
Maher AM, Thomson CJ, Carlson SR. (2015) Risk-taking and impulsive personality traits in proficient downhill sports enthusiasts Personality and Individual Differences. 79: 20-24
Thomson CJ, Carlson SR. (2014) Personality and risky downhill sports: Associations with impulsivity dimensions Personality and Individual Differences. 60: 67-72
Thomson CJ, Hanna CW, Carlson SR, et al. (2013) The -521 C/T variant in the dopamine-4-receptor gene (DRD4) is associated with skiing and snowboarding behavior. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 23: e108-13
Carlson SR, Pritchard AA, Dominelli RM. (2013) Externalizing behavior, the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior scale and Reward and Punishment Sensitivity Personality and Individual Differences. 54: 202-207
Thomson CJ, Carlson SR, Rupert JL. (2013) Association of a common D3 dopamine receptor gene variant is associated with sensation seeking in skiers and snowboarders Journal of Research in Personality. 47: 153-158
Kam JW, Dominelli R, Carlson SR. (2012) Differential relationships between sub-traits of BIS-11 impulsivity and executive processes: an ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 85: 174-87
Carlson SR, Johnson SC. (2012) Impulsivity is not always associated with student drinking: a moderation study of impulsivity and drinking by positive alcohol expectancies. Addictive Behaviors. 37: 556-60
Thomson CJ, Morton KL, Carlson SR, et al. (2012) The contextual sensation seeking questionnaire for skiing and snowboarding (CSSQ-S) development of a sport specific scale International Journal of Sport Psychology. 43: 503-521
Carlson SR, Thái S. (2010) ERPs on a continuous performance task and self-reported psychopathic traits: P3 and CNV augmentation are associated with Fearless Dominance. Biological Psychology. 85: 318-30
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