Donald A. Riley
Affiliations: | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
Cognitive processes in animalsWebsite:
"Donald Alan Riley" OR "Donald A Riley"Bio:
Mean distance: 15.65 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorArthur W. Melton | grad student | 1950 | Ohio State | |
(Rote learning as a function of the degree of discovery required under conditions of massed and distributed practice.) |
Sign in to add traineeMichael Scheier | research assistant | 1969-1971 | UC Berkeley |
Robert G. Cook | grad student | UC Berkeley | |
Marvin R. Lamb | grad student | UC Berkeley | |
William S. Maki | grad student | UC Berkeley | |
Herbert R. Roitblat | grad student | UC Berkeley | |
Evangeline A. Wheeler | grad student | UC Berkeley | |
David Harris Cohen | grad student | 1963 | UC Berkeley |
Thomas Robert Zentall | grad student | 1969 | UC Berkeley (PsychTree) |
Michael F. Brown | grad student | 1980-1985 | UC Berkeley |
Alan B. Bond | post-doc | UC Berkeley |
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Bond AB, Riley DA. (2010) Searching Image in the Pigeon: A Test of Three Hypothetical Mechanisms Ethology. 87: 203-224 |
Zentall TR, Riley DA. (2000) Selective attention in animal discrimination learning. The Journal of General Psychology. 127: 45-66 |
Langley CM, Riley DA, Bond AB, et al. (1996) Visual search for natural grains in pigeons (Columba livia): search images and selective attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 22: 139-51 |
Langley CM, Riley DA. (1993) Limited capacity information processing and pigeon matching-to-sample: Testing alternative hypotheses Animal Learning & Behavior. 21: 226-232 |
Cook RG, Riley DA, Brown MF. (1992) Spatial and configural factors in compound stimulus processing by pigeons Animal Learning & Behavior. 20: 41-55 |
Brown MF, Wheeler EA, Riley DA. (1989) Evidence for a shift in the choice criterion of rats in a 12-arm radial maze Animal Learning & Behavior. 17: 12-20 |
Cook RG, Brown MF, Riley DA. (1985) Flexible memory processing by rats: use of prospective and retrospective information in the radial maze. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 11: 453-69 |
Brown MF, Cook RG, Lamb MR, et al. (1984) The relation between response and attentional shifts in pigeon compound matching-to-sample performance Animal Learning & Behavior. 12: 41-49 |
Lamb MR, Riley DA. (1981) Effects of element arrangement on the processing of compound stimuli in pigeons (Columba livia) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 7: 45-58 |
Riley DA, Cook RG, Lamb MR. (1981) A Classification and Analysis of Short-Term Retention Codes in Pigeons Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory. 15: 51-79 |