Sheree F. Logue
Affiliations: | Wyeth Research, South Brunswick Township, NJ, United States |
"Sheree Logue"Mean distance: 14.77 (cluster 19) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJoseph E. Steinmetz | grad student | 1989-1994 | Indiana University Bloomington |
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Seemiller LR, Logue SF, Gould TJ. (2022) Inbred mouse strain differences in alcohol and nicotine addiction-related phenotypes from adolescence to adulthood. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 218: 173429 |
Holliday ED, Logue SF, Oliver C, et al. (2019) Stress and nicotine during adolescence disrupts adult hippocampal-dependent learning and alters stress reactivity. Addiction Biology. e12769 |
Gitik M, Holliday ED, Leung M, et al. (2018) Choline ameliorates adult learning deficits and reverses epigenetic modification of chromatin remodeling factors related to adolescent nicotine exposure. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory |
Logue S, Chein J, Gould T, et al. (2014) Adolescent mice, unlike adults, consume more alcohol in the presence of peers than alone. Developmental Science. 17: 79-85 |
Logue SF, Gould TJ. (2014) The neural and genetic basis of executive function: attention, cognitive flexibility, and response inhibition. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 123: 45-54 |
Kenney JW, Poole RL, Adoff MD, et al. (2012) Learning and nicotine interact to increase CREB phosphorylation at the jnk1 promoter in the hippocampus. Plos One. 7: e39939 |
Logue SF, Paylor R, Wehner JM. (1997) Hippocampal lesions cause learning deficits in inbred mice in the Morris water maze and conditioned-fear task. Behavioral Neuroscience. 111: 104-13 |
Sears LL, Logue SF, Steinmetz JE. (1996) Involvement of the ventrolateral thalamic nucleus in rabbit classical eyeblink conditioning. Behavioural Brain Research. 74: 105-17 |
Steinmetz JE, Logue SF, Miller DP. (1993) Using signaled barpressing tasks to study the neural substrates of appetitive and aversive learning in rats: behavioral manipulations and cerebellar lesions. Behavioral Neuroscience. 107: 941-54 |
Steinmetz JE, Logue SF, Steinmetz SS. (1992) Rabbit classically conditioned eyelid responses do not reappear after interpositus nucleus lesion and extensive post-lesion training. Behavioural Brain Research. 51: 103-14 |