Bradley D. Worden, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH |
"Bradley Worden"Mean distance: 17.94 (cluster 10)
Sign in to add mentorPatricia G. Parker | grad student | 2001 | Ohio State | |
(Female mating behavior in the beetle Tenebrio molitor: Polyandry and parasite -mediated sexual selection.) |
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Worden BD, Parker PG. (2005) Females prefer noninfected males as mates in the grain beetle Tenebrio molitor: Evidence in pre- and postcopulatory behaviours Animal Behaviour. 70: 1047-1053 |
Worden BD, Parker PG. (2001) Polyandry in grain beetles, Tenebrio molitor, leads to greater reproductive success: Material or genetic benefits? Behavioral Ecology. 12: 761-767 |
Worden BD, Parker PG, Pappas PW. (2000) Parasites reduce attractiveness and reproductive success in male grain beetles. Animal Behaviour. 59: 543-550 |
Parker PG, Jones TC, Haydock J, et al. (1999) Multilocus minisatellite DNA fingerprinting and cooperative breeding Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 47: 108-111 |