Joseph L. Goulet, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003 | Yale University, New Haven, CT |
Genetic epidemiologyGoogle:
"Joseph Goulet"Mean distance: 23.81 (cluster 48)
Sign in to add mentorKathleen Merikangas | grad student | 2003 | Yale | |
(The long-term effects of mental and drug disorder comorbidity on alcohol disorders and mortality outcomes.) |
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Von Korff M, DeBar LL, Deyo RA, et al. (2020) Identifying Multisite Chronic Pain with Electronic Health Records Data. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.) |
Wandner LD, Fenton BT, Goulet JL, et al. (2020) Treatment of a Large Cohort of Veterans Experiencing Musculoskeletal Disorders with Spinal Cord Stimulation in the Veterans Health Administration: Veteran Characteristics and Outcomes. Journal of Pain Research. 13: 1687-1697 |
Coleman BC, Fodeh S, Lisi AJ, et al. (2020) Exploring supervised machine learning approaches to predicting Veterans Health Administration chiropractic service utilization. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 28: 47 |
Becker WC, Gordon KS, Edelman EJ, et al. (2020) Are we missing opioid-related deaths among people with HIV? Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 212: 108003 |
Higgins DM, Buta E, Heapy AA, et al. (2020) The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Pain Intensity Among Veterans with Musculoskeletal Disorders: Findings from the MSD Cohort Study. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.) |
Oldfield BJ, McGinnis KA, Edelman EJ, et al. (2020) Predictors of initiation of and retention on medications for alcohol use disorder among people living with and without HIV. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 109: 14-22 |
Reddy SM, Portnoy GA, Bathulapalli H, et al. (2019) Screening for Military Sexual Trauma Is Associated With Improved HIV Screening in Women Veterans. Medical Care. 57: 536-543 |
Mayhew M, DeBar LL, Deyo RA, et al. (2019) Development and Assessment of a Crosswalk Between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM to Identify Patients with Common Pain Conditions. The Journal of Pain : Official Journal of the American Pain Society |
So-Armah K, Gupta SK, Kundu S, et al. (2019) Depression and all-cause mortality risk in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected US veterans: a cohort study. Hiv Medicine |
Chui PW, Bastian LA, DeRycke E, et al. (2018) Dual Use of Department of Veterans Affairs and Medicare Benefits on High-Risk Opioid Prescriptions in Veterans Aged 65 Years and Older: Insights from the VA Musculoskeletal Disorders Cohort. Health Services Research |