Mary Perugini, Ph.D.

2001 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Nicotine, ERPs, EEG, Schizophrenia, Cognition, Clinical Psychology
"Mary Perugini"
Mean distance: 19.23 (cluster 8)


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Verner Knott grad student 2001 University of Ottawa
 (Acute plasma tryptophan depletion and smoking abstinence: Withdrawal, mood and quantitative EEG correlates and the acute smoking response.)
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Perugini M, Mahoney C, Ilivitsky V, et al. (2003) Effects of tryptophan depletion on acute smoking abstinence symptoms and the acute smoking response. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 74: 513-22
Knott VJ, Howson AL, Perugini M, et al. (1999) The effect of acute tryptophan depletion and fenfluramine on quantitative EEG and mood in healthy male subjects. Biological Psychiatry. 46: 229-38
Knott VJ, Bakish D, Lusk S, et al. (1996) Quantitative EEG correlates of panic disorder. Psychiatry Research. 68: 31-9
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