Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Nicholas Hatsopoulos"
Mean distance: 13.03 (cluster 17)


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John G. O'Leary research assistant 2002-2004 Chicago
SangWook Lee grad student 2016- Chicago
Caleb S. Sponheim grad student 2018- Chicago
Doug Rubino grad student 2004-2006 Chicago
Sunday M. Francis grad student 2009 Chicago
Jacob Reimer grad student 2003-2009 Chicago
Dennis C. Tkach grad student 2003-2009 Chicago
Adam S. Dickey grad student 2011 Chicago
Maryam Saleh grad student 2005-2011 Chicago
Christopher A. Rishel grad student 2012 Chicago
Alexander Rajan grad student 2009-2016 Chicago
Brian Lustig grad student 2012-2018 University of Chicago/Janelia Farm
J.D. Laurence-Chasen grad student 2017-2021 Chicago (Biomechanics Tree)
Fritzie Arce-McShane post-doc Chicago
Aaron J. Suminski post-doc Chicago
Kazutaka Takahashi post-doc 2007- Chicago


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Sliman J. Bensmaia collaborator Chicago
Zhe Chen collaborator
John S. Pezaris collaborator
 (AREADNE Conference)
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Downey JE, Schone HR, Foldes ST, et al. (2024) A roadmap for implanting microelectrode arrays to evoke tactile sensations through intracortical microstimulation. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences
Hatsopoulos N, Moore D, MacLean J, et al. (2023) A dynamic subset of network interactions underlies tuning to natural movements in marmoset sensorimotor cortex. Research Square
Shelchkova ND, Downey JE, Greenspon CM, et al. (2023) Microstimulation of human somatosensory cortex evokes task-dependent, spatially patterned responses in motor cortex. Nature Communications. 14: 7270
Arce-McShane FI, Sessle BJ, Ram Y, et al. (2023) Multiple regions of sensorimotor cortex encode bite force and gape. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 17: 1213279
Greenspon CM, Shelchkova ND, Valle G, et al. (2023) Tessellation Of Artificial Touch Via Microstimulation Of Human Somatosensory Cortex. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Sundiang M, Hatsopoulos NG, MacLean JN. (2023) Dynamic structure of motor cortical neuron coactivity carries behaviorally relevant information. Network Neuroscience (Cambridge, Mass.). 7: 661-678
Ross CF, Laurence-Chasen JD, Li P, et al. (2023) Biomechanical and Cortical Control of Tongue Movements During Chewing and Swallowing. Dysphagia
Laurence-Chasen JD, Ross CF, Arce-McShane FI, et al. (2023) Robust cortical encoding of 3D tongue shape during feeding in macaques. Nature Communications. 14: 2991
Bachschmid-Romano L, Hatsopoulos NG, Brunel N. (2023) Interplay between external inputs and recurrent dynamics during movement preparation and execution in a network model of motor cortex. Elife. 12
Balasubramanian K, Arce-McShane FI, Dekleva BM, et al. (2023) Propagating motor cortical patterns of excitability are ubiquitous across human and non-human primate movement initiation. Iscience. 26: 106518
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