Ronald G. Weisman

Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada 
Songbirds, Animal Learning, Discrimination
"Ronald Weisman"
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Wagner B, Sturdy CB, Weisman RG, et al. (2022) Pitch chroma information is processed in addition to pitch height information with more than two pitch-range categories. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 84: 1757-1771
Weary DM, Guilford TC, Weisman RG. (2019) A PRODUCT OF DISCRIMINATIVE LEARNING MAY LEAD TO FEMALE PREFERENCES FOR ELABORATE MALES. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 47: 333-336
Weisman R, Hoeschele M, Sturdy CB. (2014) A comparative analysis of auditory perception in humans and songbirds: a modular approach. Behavioural Processes. 104: 35-43
Hoeschele M, Weisman RG, Guillette LM, et al. (2013) Chickadees fail standardized operant tests for octave equivalence. Animal Cognition. 16: 599-609
Hoeschele M, Weisman RG, Sturdy CB. (2012) Pitch chroma discrimination, generalization, and transfer tests of octave equivalence in humans. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 74: 1742-60
Weisman RG, Mewhort DJK, Hoeschele M, et al. (2012) New Perspectives on Absolute Pitch in Birds and Mammals The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Cognition
Weisman RG, Williams MT, Cohen JS, et al. (2012) The Comparative Psychology of Absolute Pitch Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence
Weisman RG, Balkwill L, Hoeschele M, et al. (2012) Identifying absolute pitch possessors without using a note-naming task. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. 22: 46-54
Weisman RG, Hoeschele M, Bloomfield LL, et al. (2010) Using network models of absolute pitch to compare frequency-range discriminations across avian species. Behavioural Processes. 84: 421-7
Weisman RG, Balkwill LL, Hoeschele M, et al. (2010) Absolute pitch in boreal chickadees and humans: Exceptions that test a phylogenetic rule Learning and Motivation. 41: 156-173
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