Peter B. Delahunt, BS, MA, PhD

Posit Science, San Francisco, CA, United States 
"Peter Delahunt"
Mean distance: 12.75 (cluster 29)


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David H. Brainard grad student 1996-2001 UC Santa Barbara
 (An evaluation of color constancy across illumination and mutual reflection changes.)
John S. Werner post-doc 2001-2004 UC Davis Medical Center
Michael M. Merzenich research scientist 2005- Posit Science


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Korie A. Michalak research assistant 2007-2009
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Delahunt PB, Morton JB, Mahncke HW. (2012) Computer-based cognitive stimulation programs to remediate age-related cognitive decline: What makes a program effective? Handbook of Technology in Psychology, Psychiatry and Neurology: Theory, Research, and Practice. 121-138
Malania M, Devinck F, Knoblauch K, et al. (2011) Senescent changes in photopic spatial summation. Journal of Vision. 11
Spillmann L, Hardy J, Delahunt P, et al. (2010) Brightness enhancement seen through a tube. Perception. 39: 1504-13
Berry AS, Zanto TP, Clapp WC, et al. (2010) The influence of perceptual training on working memory in older adults. Plos One. 5: e11537
Malania M, Devinck F, Hardy JL, et al. (2010) Test of senescent change in photopic spatial summation Journal of Vision. 9: 1074-1074
Edwards JD, Delahunt PB, Mahncke HW. (2009) Cognitive speed of processing training delays driving cessation. The Journals of Gerontology. Series a, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 64: 1262-7
Delahunt P, Ball K, Roenker D, et al. (2009) Computer-based cognitive training to facilitate neural plasticity Gerontechnology. 8
Delahunt PB, Hardy JL, Werner JS. (2008) The effect of senescence on orientation discrimination and mechanism tuning. Journal of Vision. 8: 5.1-9
Delahunt PB, Brainard DH. (2008) Corrigendum to "Control of chromatic adaptation: Signals from separate cone classes interact" [Vision Research 40 (2000) 2885-2903] (DOI:10.1016/S0042-6989(00)00125-5) Vision Research. 48: 1186
Brainard DH, Longère P, Delahunt PB, et al. (2006) Bayesian model of human color constancy. Journal of Vision. 6: 1267-81
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