Shelli R. Kesler, Ph.D.

2000 Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States 
Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism, Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia
"Shelli Kesler"
Mean distance: 24.57 (cluster 9)


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Erin Davis Bigler grad student 2000 BYU
 (Verbal memory deficits associated with fornix atrophy in carbon monoxide poisoning.)
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Kesler SR, Sleurs C, McDonald BC, et al. (2021) Brain Imaging in Pediatric Cancer Survivors: Correlates of Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. JCO2002315
Tang TT, Zawaski JA, Kesler SR, et al. (2019) A comprehensive preclinical assessment of late-term imaging markers of radiation-induced brain injury. Neuro-Oncology Advances. 1: vdz012
Kesler SR, Rao A, Blayney DW, et al. (2017) Predicting Long-Term Cognitive Outcome Following Breast Cancer with Pre-Treatment Resting State fMRI and Random Forest Machine Learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11: 555
Chiu G, Kesler S, Wefel J, et al. (2017) Intranasal administration of human mesenchymal stem cells promote recovery from chemoradiation-induced cognitive and functional deficit in mice Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 66: e25
Kesler S, Gugel M, Huston-Warren E, et al. (2016) Atypical structural connectome organization and cognitive impairment in young survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Brain Connectivity
Kesler SR, Tanaka H, Koovakkattu D. (2010) Cognitive reserve and brain volumes in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 4: 256-69
Kesler SR, Bennett FC, Mahaffey ML, et al. (2009) Regional brain activation during verbal declarative memory in metastatic breast cancer. Clinical Cancer Research : An Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Research. 15: 6665-73
Kesler SR, Garrett A, Bender B, et al. (2004) Amygdala and hippocampal volumes in Turner syndrome: a high-resolution MRI study of X-monosomy. Neuropsychologia. 42: 1971-8
Kesler SR, Adams HF, Blasey CM, et al. (2003) Premorbid intellectual functioning, education, and brain size in traumatic brain injury: an investigation of the cognitive reserve hypothesis. Applied Neuropsychology. 10: 153-62
Kesler SR, Hopkins RO, Blatter DD, et al. (2001) Verbal memory deficits associated with fornix atrophy in carbon monoxide poisoning. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 7: 640-6
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