Daniel D. Kurylo, Ph.D.

Psychology Brooklyn College - City University of New York 
Visual system
"Daniel Kurylo"
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Hartline PH, Vimal RL, King AJ, et al. (1995) Effects of eye position on auditory localization and neural representation of space in superior colliculus of cats. Experimental Brain Research. 104: 402-8
Kurylo DD, Pandey Vimal RL, Hartline PH. (1992) Effects of multiple stimuli on ocular orientation by cats. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 4: 165-74
Kurylo DD. (1991) Interaction of visually guided saccades with saccades induced by electrical stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex in the monkey. Vision Research. 31: 2065-73
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