Zuoxin Wang

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
"Zuoxin Wang"
Mean distance: 14.98 (cluster 19)
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Lim MM, Wang Z, de Vries G, et al. (2024) In memoriam: Larry J. Young, PhD (1967-2024). Hormones and Behavior. 163: 105573
Pan Y, Mou Q, Huang Z, et al. (2023) Chronic social defeat alters behaviors and neuronal activation in the brain of female Mongolian gerbils. Behavioural Brain Research. 448: 114456
Donovan M, Mackey CS, Lynch MDJ, et al. (2023) administration alters the gut-brain-behavior axis in a sex-dependent manner in socially monogamous prairie voles. Frontiers in Microbiology. 14: 1015666
Duclot F, Liu Y, Saland SK, et al. (2022) Transcriptomic analysis of paternal behaviors in prairie voles. Bmc Genomics. 23: 679
Liu Y, Pan Y, Curtis TJ, et al. (2022) Amphetamine exposure alters behaviors, and neuronal and neurochemical activation in the brain of female prairie voles. Neuroscience
Chun EK, Donovan M, Liu Y, et al. (2022) Behavioral, neurochemical, and neuroimmune changes associated with social buffering and stress contagion. Neurobiology of Stress. 16: 100427
Donovan ML, Chun EK, Liu Y, et al. (2021) Post-weaning Social Isolation in Male and Female Prairie Voles: Impacts on Central and Peripheral Immune System. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 15: 802569
Duclot F, Sailer L, Koutakis P, et al. (2020) Transcriptomic Regulations Underlying Pair-bond Formation and Maintenance in the Socially Monogamous Male and Female Prairie Vole. Biological Psychiatry
Donovan M, Mackey CS, Platt GN, et al. (2020) Social isolation alters behavior, the gut-immune-brain axis, and neurochemical circuits in male and female prairie voles. Neurobiology of Stress. 13: 100278
Pan Y, Zhu Q, Wang X, et al. (2020) Agonistic behaviors and neuronal activation in sexually naïve female Mongolian gerbils. Behavioural Brain Research. 395: 112860
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