Francois Tonneau

University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico 
"Francois Tonneau"
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Picanço CR, Tonneau F. (2018) A low-cost platform for eye-tracking research: Using Pupil© in behavior analysis. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Tonneau F. (2006) Behaviorism in 1942: A précis of Tilquin's le behaviorisme: Origine et développement de la psychologie de réaction en Amérique Behavior Analyst. 29: 33-49
Tonneau F. (2004) Verbal understanding and Pavlovian processes. The Behavior Analyst Today. 5: 158-169
Tonneau F, Abreu NK, Cabrera F. (2004) Sitting on the word "chair": Behavioral support, contextual cues, and the literal use of symbols Learning and Motivation. 35: 262-273
Tonneau F. (2001) The Observational Analysis of Behavior European Journal of Behavior Analysis. 2: 183-186
Tonneau F. (2001) Equivalence Relations: A Reply European Journal of Behavior Analysis. 2: 99-128
Tonneau F. (2001) Equivalence Relations: A Critical Analysis European Journal of Behavior Analysis. 2: 1-33
Field DP, Tonneau F, Ahearn W, et al. (1996) Preference between variable-ratio and fixed-ratio schedules: local and extended relations. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 66: 283-95
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