Dirk Snijdelaar

1998-1999 Anesthesiology Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
"Dirk Snijdelaar"
Mean distance: 16.52 (cluster 17)
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Katz J, Schmid R, Snijdelaar DG, et al. (2004) Pre-emptive analgesia using intravenous fentanyl plus low-dose ketamine for radical prostatectomy under general anesthesia does not produce short-term or long-term reductions in pain or analgesic use. Pain. 110: 707-18
Snijdelaar DG, Cornelisse HB, Schmid RL, et al. (2004) A randomised, controlled study of peri-operative low dose s(+)-ketamine in combination with postoperative patient-controlled s(+)-ketamine and morphine after radical prostatectomy. Anaesthesia. 59: 222-8
Snijdelaar DG, Koren G, Katz J. (2004) Effects of perioperative oral amantadine on postoperative pain and morphine consumption in patients after radical prostatectomy: results of a preliminary study. Anesthesiology. 100: 134-41
Kong PE, Snijdelaar DG, Crul BJ. (2002) [Parenteral administration of low dose ketamine for the treatment of neuropathic pain in cancer patients]. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde. 146: 2556-8
Bergmans L, Snijdelaar DG, Katz J, et al. (2002) Methadone for phantom limb pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain. 18: 203-5
Snijdelaar DG, Katz J, Clairoux M, et al. (2000) Respiratory effects of intraoperative alfentanil infusion in post-abdominal hysterectomy patients: A comparison of high versus low dose Acute Pain. 3: 13-21
Snijdelaar DG, Katz J, Clairoux M, et al. (2000) Respiratory effects of intraoperative alfentanil infusion in post-abdominal hysterectomy patients: A comparison of high versus low dose Acute Pain. 3: 131-139
Snijdelaar DG, Hasenbos MA, van Egmond J, et al. (1994) High thoracic epidural sufentanil with bupivacaine: continuous infusion of high volume versus low volume. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 78: 490-4
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