Eric A. Zillmer

Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"Eric Zillmer"
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Zihl J, Schaaf L, Zillmer EA. (2010) The relationship between adult neuropsychological profiles and diabetic patients' glycemic control. Applied Neuropsychology. 17: 44-51
Ruocco AC, Swirsky-Sacchetti T, Chute DL, et al. (2008) Distinguishing between neuropsychological malingering and exaggerated psychiatric symptoms in a neuropsychological setting. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 22: 547-64
Zillmer EA. (2003) The neuropsychology of repeated 1- and 3-meter springboard diving among college athletes. Applied Neuropsychology. 10: 23-30
Culbertson WC, Zillmer EA. (1998) The Tower of London(DX): a standardized approach to assessing executive functioning in children. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 13: 285-301
Culbertson WC, Zillmer EA. (1998) The construct validity of the Tower of LondonDX as a measure of the executive functioning of ADHD children. Assessment. 5: 215-26
Zillmer EA, Perry W. (1996) Cognitive-neuropsychological abilities and related psychological disturbance: A factor model of neuropsychological, rorschach, and MMPI indices Assessment. 3: 209-224
Zillmer EA, Fowler PC, Gutnick HN, et al. (1990) Comparison of two cognitive bedside screening instruments in nursing home residents: a factor analytic study. Journal of Gerontology. 45: P69-74
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