Francois Galgani

IFREMER, Zagreb, La Trinité, Martinique 
Ecotoxicology, marine ecology
"Francois Galgani"
Mean distance: 15.62 (cluster 28)
Cross-listing: Marine Ecology Tree

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Galli M, Baini M, Panti C, et al. (2023) Oceanographic and anthropogenic variables driving marine litter distribution in Mediterranean protected areas: Extensive field data supported by forecasting modelling. The Science of the Total Environment. 903: 166266
Mankou-Haddadi N, Bachir-Bey M, Galgani F, et al. (2021) Benthic marine litter in the coastal zone of Bejaia (Algeria) as indicators of anthropogenic pollution. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 170: 112634
Angiolillo M, Gérigny O, Valente T, et al. (2021) Distribution of seafloor litter and its interaction with benthic organisms in deep waters of the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean). The Science of the Total Environment. 788: 147745
Cadiou J-, Gerigny O, Koren Š, et al. (2020) Lessons learned from an intercalibration exercise on the quantification and characterisation of microplastic particles in sediment and water samples Marine Pollution Bulletin. 154: 111097
Mendoza A, Osa JL, Basurko OC, et al. (2020) Microplastics in the Bay of Biscay: An overview. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 153: 110996
Consoli P, Scotti G, Romeo T, et al. (2020) Characterization of seafloor litter on Mediterranean shallow coastal waters: Evidence from Dive Against Debris®, a citizen science monitoring approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 150: 110763
Spedicato MT, Zupa W, Carbonara P, et al. (2020) Spatial distribution of marine macro-litter on the seafloor in the northern Mediterranean Sea: the MEDITS initiative Scientia Marina. 83: 257-270
Fossi MC, Vlachogianni T, Galgani F, et al. (2020) Assessing and mitigating the harmful effects of plastic pollution: the collective multi-stakeholder driven Euro-Mediterranean response Ocean & Coastal Management. 184: 105005
Danovaro R, Fanelli E, Canals M, et al. (2020) Towards a marine strategy for the deep Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of current ecological status Marine Policy. 112: 103781
Alexy P, Anklam E, Emans T, et al. (2019) Managing the analytical challenges related to micro- and nanoplastics in the environment and food: filling the knowledge gaps. Food Additives & Contaminants. Part a, Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment. 1-10
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