Sign in to add mentorErin M. Schuman | grad student | 2004 | Caltech | |
(Local control of synaptic strength: Neurotrophic and dopaminergic modulation of dendritic protein synthesis.) |
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Smith WB, Starck SR, Roberts RW, et al. (2005) Dopaminergic stimulation of local protein synthesis enhances surface expression of GluR1 and synaptic transmission in hippocampal neurons. Neuron. 45: 765-79 |
Smith WB, Bingol B, Patrick GN, et al. (2004) 15 Control of Synaptic Function by Local Protein Synthesis and Degradation Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Archive. 42: 473-507 |
Smith WB, Aakalu G, Schuman EM. (2001) Local protein synthesis in neurons. Current Biology : Cb. 11: R901-3 |
Aakalu G, Smith WB, Nguyen N, et al. (2001) Dynamic visualization of local protein synthesis in hippocampal neurons. Neuron. 30: 489-502 |
Khakh BS, Smith WB, Chiu CS, et al. (2001) Activation-dependent changes in receptor distribution and dendritic morphology in hippocampal neurons expressing P2X2-green fluorescent protein receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 5288-93 |
Kantor DB, Lanzrein M, Stary SJ, et al. (1996) A role for endothelial NO synthase in LTP revealed by adenovirus-mediated inhibition and rescue. Science (New York, N.Y.). 274: 1744-8 |