Michael W. Sneddon, Ph.D.

2012 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Michael Sneddon"
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Thierry Emonet grad student 2012 Yale
 (Overcoming Complexity in Systems Biology Modeling and Simulation.)
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Pontius W, Sneddon MW, Emonet T. (2013) Adaptation dynamics in densely clustered chemoreceptors. Plos Computational Biology. 9: e1003230
Lawton AK, Nandi A, Stulberg MJ, et al. (2013) Regulated tissue fluidity steers zebrafish body elongation. Development (Cambridge, England). 140: 573-82
Sneddon MW, Emonet T. (2012) Modeling cellular signaling: taking space into the computation. Nature Methods. 9: 239-42
Sneddon MW, Pontius W, Emonet T. (2012) Stochastic coordination of multiple actuators reduces latency and improves chemotactic response in bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: 805-10
Dufour YS, Sneddon MW, Emonet T. (2011) Thermal robustness: lessons from bacterial chemotaxis. Current Biology : Cb. 21: R465-8
Sneddon MW, Faeder JR, Emonet T. (2011) Efficient modeling, simulation and coarse-graining of biological complexity with NFsim. Nature Methods. 8: 177-83
Feinerman O, Jentsch G, Tkach KE, et al. (2010) Single-cell quantification of IL-2 response by effector and regulatory T cells reveals critical plasticity in immune response. Molecular Systems Biology. 6: 437
Hauser AE, Junt T, Mempel TR, et al. (2007) Definition of germinal-center B cell migration in vivo reveals predominant intrazonal circulation patterns. Immunity. 26: 655-67
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