Jason D. Forster, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Yale University, New Haven, CT |
"Jason Forster"Mean distance: 14.3 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorEric R. Dufresne | grad student | 2012 | Yale | |
(Self-Assembly of Photonic Materials Beyond Crystals of Spheres: Amorphous Close-Packed Spheres and Crystalline Dumbbells.) |
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Zaia EW, Sahu A, Zhou P, et al. (2016) Carrier Scattering at Alloy Nanointerfaces Enhances Power Factor in PEDOT:PSS Hybrid Thermoelectrics. Nano Letters |
Cao H, Noh H, Liew SF, et al. (2013) Color production by isotropic nanostructures with shortrange order in bird feather barbs Cleo: Qels_fundamental Science, Cleo:Qels Fs 2013. QW3A.1 |
Cao H, Noh H, Liew SF, et al. (2013) Color production by isotropic nanostructures with short-range order in bird feather barbs 2013 Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cleo 2013 |
Saranathan V, Forster JD, Noh H, et al. (2012) Structure and optical function of amorphous photonic nanostructures from avian feather barbs: a comparative small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis of 230 bird species. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society. 9: 2563-80 |
Grove TZ, Forster J, Pimienta G, et al. (2012) A modular approach to the design of protein-based smart gels. Biopolymers. 97: 508-17 |
Forster JD, Park JG, Mittal M, et al. (2011) Assembly of optical-scale dumbbells into dense photonic crystals. Acs Nano. 5: 6695-700 |
Liew SF, Forster J, Noh H, et al. (2011) Short-range order and near-field effects on optical scattering and structural coloration. Optics Express. 19: 8208-17 |
Liew SF, Forster J, Noh H, et al. (2011) Light scattering in biomimetic structures with short-range order Optics Infobase Conference Papers |
Liew SF, Forster J, Noh H, et al. (2011) Light scattering in biomimetic structures with short-range order Optics Infobase Conference Papers |
Liew SF, Forster J, Noh H, et al. (2011) Light scattering in biomimetic structures with short-range order Optics Infobase Conference Papers |