Goro Maehara

McGill Vision Research, Montréal, Québec, Canada 
"Goro Maehara"
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Maehara G, Wang Y, Murakami I. (2024) Effects of binocular disparity on binocular luminance combination. Journal of Vision. 24: 4
Maehara G, Murakami I. (2020) Perceptual enhancement of suprathreshold luminance modulation in stereoscopic patterns. Journal of Vision. 20: 8
Thompson B, Maehara G, Goddard E, et al. (2019) Long-Range Interocular Suppression in Adults with Strabismic Amblyopia: A Pilot fMRI Study. Vision (Basel, Switzerland). 3
Maehara G, Araki S, Yoneda T, et al. (2019) Suprathreshold Motion Perception in Anisometropic Amblyopia: Interocular Speed Matching and the Pulfrich Effect. Optometry and Vision Science : Official Publication of the American Academy of Optometry
Araki S, Miki A, Goto K, et al. (2018) Effect of amblyopia treatment on choroidal thickness in hypermetropic anisometropic amblyopia using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Bmc Ophthalmology. 18: 227
Maehara G, Hess RF, Georgeson MA. (2017) Direction discrimination thresholds in binocular, monocular, and dichoptic viewing: Motion opponency and contrast gain control. Journal of Vision. 17: 7
Maehara G, Thompson B, Mansouri B, et al. (2015) Luminance contrast thresholds in patients with amblyopia under monocular and dichoptic viewing. Journal of Vision. 15: 264
Huang PC, Maehara G, May KA, et al. (2012) Pattern masking: the importance of remote spatial frequencies and their phase alignment. Journal of Vision. 12: 14
Hess RF, Maehara G. (2011) Does cognitive perception have access to brief temporal events? I-Perception. 2: 142-9
Maehara G, Thompson B, Mansouri B, et al. (2011) The perceptual consequences of interocular suppression in amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 52: 9011-7
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