Jim Davies

2006- Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 
Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence
"Jim Davies"

A professor of cognitive science at Carleton University. Got his Ph.D. at the Georgia Institute of Technology and his undergrad degree from the State University of New York at Oswego. Studies human imagination.

Mean distance: 17 (cluster 47)


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Janice Glasgow grad student Carleton University
Dorrit O. Billman grad student 1995-1997 Georgia Tech
 (Master's work)
Ashok K. Goel grad student 1997-2004 Georgia Tech
 (Constructive adaptive visual analogy.)
Nancy J. Nersessian grad student 1997-2004 Georgia Tech
 (Constructive adaptive visual analogy.)
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Riley SN, Davies J. (2023) Vividness as the similarity between generated imagery and an internal model. Brain and Cognition. 169: 105988
Riley SN, Davies J. (2020) A spiking neural network model of spatial and visual mental imagery. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 14: 239-251
Vertolli MO, Kelly MA, Davies J. (2017) Coherence in the Visual Imagination. Cognitive Science
Murdoch M, Davies J. (2017) Spiritual and Affective Responses to a Physical Church and Corresponding Virtual Model. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking
Davies J, Michaelian K. (2016) Identifying and individuating cognitive systems: a task-based distributed cognition alternative to agent-based extended cognition. Cognitive Processing
Cockbain J, Vertolli MO, Davies J. (2014) Creative Imagination Is Stable across Technological Media: The Spore Creature Creator versus Pencil and Paper. Journal of Creative Behavior. 48: 13-24
Gagné J, Davies J. (2013) Visuo: A model of visuospatial instantiation of quantitative magnitudes Knowledge Engineering Review. 28: 347-366
Davies J, Atance C, Martin-Ordas G. (2011) A Framework and Open Questions on Imagination in Adults and Children Imagination, Cognition and Personality. 31: 143-157
Davies J, Goel AK, Nersessian NJ. (2009) A computational model of visual analogies in design Cognitive Systems Research. 10: 204-215
Davies J, Goel AK. (2008) Visuospatial Re-Representation in Analogical Reasoning The Open Artificial Intelligence Journal. 2: 11-20
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