Robert G. Pachella
Affiliations: | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI |
Cognitive, perception, human factorsGoogle:
"Robert Pachella"Mean distance: 16.15 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: MichiganTree
Sign in to add mentorPaul M. Fitts | research assistant | University of Michigan | |
Howard E. Egeth | grad student | Johns Hopkins |
Sign in to add traineePatricia W. Cheng | grad student | University of Michigan | |
Pamela Dodd | grad student | University of Michigan | |
Mary Hardzinski | grad student | University of Michigan | |
Joseph Mezrich | grad student | University of Michigan | |
Jeff O. Miller | grad student | University of Michigan | |
Donna J. Ratte | grad student | University of Michigan | |
Patricia Somers | grad student | University of Michigan | |
Keith E. Stanovich | grad student | University of Michigan | |
Alex Miller | grad student | 1990-1995 | University of Michigan (Philosophy Tree) |
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Irwin DE, Pachella RG. (1985) Effects of stimulus probability and visual similarity on stimulus encoding. The American Journal of Psychology. 98: 85-100 |
Cheng PW, Pachella RG. (1984) A psychophysical approach to dimensional separability. Cognitive Psychology. 16: 279-304 |
Naveh-Benjamin M, Pachella RG. (1982) The effect of complexity on interpreting "Chernoff" faces. Human Factors. 24: 11-8 |
Hardzinski M, Pachella RG. (1980) The manipulation of stimulus quality and the definition of stimulus encoding operations in memory scanning experiments. Perception & Psychophysics. 27: 232-40 |
Stanovich KE, Pachella RG, Smith JEK. (1977) An analysis of confusion errors in naming letters under speed stress Perception & Psychophysics. 21: 545-552 |
Stanovich KE, Pachella RG. (1977) Encoding, stimulus-response compatibility, and stages of processing Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 3: 411-421 |
Miller JO, Pachella RG. (1976) Encoding processes in memory scanning tasks. Memory & Cognition. 4: 501-6 |
Stanovich KE, Pachella RG. (1976) The effect of stimulus probability on the speed and accuracy of naming alphanumeric stimuli Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 8: 281-284 |
Miller JO, Pachella RG. (1973) Locus of the stimulus probability effect Journal of Experimental Psychology. 101: 227-231 |
Pachella RG, Fisher DF. (1969) Effect of stimulus degradation and similarity on the trade-off between speed and accuracy in absolute judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 81: 7-9 |