Tajib Mirzabekov

"Tajib Mirzabekov"
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Epand RF, Zhang YL, Mirzabekov T, et al. (2008) Membrane activity of an amphiphilic alpha-helical membrane-proximal cytoplasmic domain of the MoMuLV envelope glycoprotein. Experimental and Molecular Pathology. 84: 9-17
Wojtowicz WM, Farzan M, Joyal JL, et al. (2002) Stimulation of enveloped virus infection by beta-amyloid fibrils. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: 35019-24
Mirzabekov T, Kontos H, Farzan M, et al. (2000) Paramagnetic proteoliposomes containing a pure, native, and oriented seven-transmembrane segment protein, CCR5. Nature Biotechnology. 18: 649-54
Silberstein A, Mirzabekov T, Anderson WF, et al. (1999) Membrane destabilization assay based on potassium release from liposomes. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1461: 103-12
Sokolov Y, Mirzabekov T, Martin DW, et al. (1999) Membrane channel formation by antimicrobial protegrins. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1420: 23-9
Mirzabekov TA, Silberstein AY, Kagan BL. (1999) Use of planar lipid bilayer membranes for rapid screening of membrane active compounds. Methods in Enzymology. 294: 661-74
Skare JT, Mirzabekov TA, Shang ES, et al. (1997) The Oms66 (p66) protein is a Borrelia burgdorferi porin. Infection and Immunity. 65: 3654-61
Lin MC, Mirzabekov T, Kagan BL. (1997) Channel formation by a neurotoxic prion protein fragment. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272: 44-7
Skare JT, Champion CI, Mirzabekov TA, et al. (1996) Porin activity of the native and recombinant outer membrane protein Oms28 of Borrelia burgdorferi. Journal of Bacteriology. 178: 4909-18
Mirzabekov TA, Lin MC, Kagan BL. (1996) Pore formation by the cytotoxic islet amyloid peptide amylin. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 271: 1988-92
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