Jay Myung

Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
Model comparison
"Jay Myung"
Mean distance: 16.57 (cluster 50)
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Pereira CLW, Zhou R, Pitt MA, et al. (2022) Probabilistic Decision-Making in Children With Dyslexia. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 782306
Lee SH, Kim D, Opfer JE, et al. (2021) A number-line task with a Bayesian active learning algorithm provides insights into the development of non-symbolic number estimation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Zhou R, Myung JI, Pitt MA. (2021) The scaled target learning model: Revisiting learning in the balloon analogue risk task. Cognitive Psychology. 128: 101407
Chang J, Kim J, Zhang BT, et al. (2021) Data-driven experimental design and model development using Gaussian process with active learning. Cognitive Psychology. 125: 101360
Yang J, Pitt MA, Ahn WY, et al. (2020) ADOpy: a python package for adaptive design optimization. Behavior Research Methods
Ahn WY, Gu H, Shen Y, et al. (2020) Rapid, precise, and reliable measurement of delay discounting using a Bayesian learning algorithm. Scientific Reports. 10: 12091
Chang J, Nikolaev P, Carpena-Núñez J, et al. (2020) Efficient Closed-loop Maximization of Carbon Nanotube Growth Rate using Bayesian Optimization. Scientific Reports. 10: 9040
Haines N, Beauchaine TP, Galdo M, et al. (2020) Anxiety Modulates Preference for Immediate Rewards Among Trait-Impulsive Individuals: A Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis Clinical Psychological Science. 8: 1017-1036
Pitt MA, Myung JI. (2019) Robust Modeling Through Design Optimization Computational Brain & Behavior. 2: 200-201
Walsh MM, Gluck KA, Gunzelmann G, et al. (2018) Mechanisms underlying the spacing effect in learning: A comparison of three computational models. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 147: 1325-1348
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