Mikko Vahasoyrinki

University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland 
visual system, olfaction, insects, ion channels
"Mikko Vahasoyrinki"
Mean distance: 14.38 (cluster 6)
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Heras FJH, Vähäsöyrinki M, Niven JE. (2018) Modulation of voltage-dependent K+ conductances in photoreceptors trades off investment in contrast gain for bandwidth. Plos Computational Biology. 14: e1006566
Immonen EV, French AS, Torkkeli PH, et al. (2017) EAG channels expressed in microvillar photoreceptors are unsuited to diurnal vision. The Journal of Physiology
Honkanen A, Takalo J, Heimonen K, et al. (2014) Cockroach optomotor responses below single photon level. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 217: 4262-8
Immonen EV, Ignatova I, Gislen A, et al. (2014) Large variation among photoreceptors as the basis of visual flexibility in the common backswimmer. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 281
Immonen EV, Krause S, Krause Y, et al. (2014) Elementary and macroscopic light-induced currents and their Ca(2+)-dependence in the photoreceptors of Periplaneta americana. Frontiers in Physiology. 5: 153
Takalo J, Piironen A, Honkanen A, et al. (2012) A fast and flexible panoramic virtual reality system for behavioural and electrophysiological experiments. Scientific Reports. 2: 324
Aikio M, Takalo J, Lempeä M, et al. (2010) Hemispherical projection lens for insect behavior analysis Proceedings of Spie. 7717: 771711
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