Ben G. Szaro

Biological Sciences State University of New York, Albany, Albany, NY, United States 
Neurofilaments, CNS Regeneration
"Ben Szaro"
Mean distance: 15.11 (cluster 31)


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Thomas F. Weiss research assistant 1975-1976 MIT / Eaton Peabody Lab
Richard Kevin Hunt grad student 1976-1982 Johns Hopkins
Robert Tompkins post-doc 1982-1984 Tulane
Harold Gainer post-doc 1984-1990 NINDS


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Chen Wang grad student SUNY Albany
Chen Wang grad student
Weichun Lin grad student 1991-1996 SUNY Albany
Yangu Zhao grad student 1991-1996 SUNY Albany
Christine Gervasi grad student 2002 SUNY Albany
Xiaojun Feng grad student 2006 SUNY Albany
Amar Thyagarajan grad student 2000-2006 SUNY Albany
Lakshminarayanan Ananthakrishnan grad student 2008 SUNY Albany
Kurt M. Gibbs grad student 2003-2010 SUNY Albany
Liu Yuanyuan grad student 2012 SUNY Albany
Erica J. Hutchins grad student 2008-2013 SUNY Albany
Rupa Priscilla grad student 2018 SUNY Albany
Jamie L. Belrose grad student 2020 SUNY Albany
Jayanthi Undamatla post-doc 2000 SUNY Albany
Aparna L. Prasad research scientist SUNY Albany
BETA: Related publications


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Reverdatto S, Prasad A, Belrose JL, et al. (2022) Developmental and Injury-induced Changes in DNA Methylation in Regenerative versus Non-regenerative Regions of the Vertebrate Central Nervous System. Bmc Genomics. 23: 2
Belrose JL, Prasad A, Sammons MA, et al. (2020) Comparative gene expression profiling between optic nerve and spinal cord injury in Xenopus laevis reveals a core set of genes inherent in successful regeneration of vertebrate central nervous system axons. Bmc Genomics. 21: 540
Priscilla R, Szaro BG. (2018) Comparisons of SOCS mRNA and Protein Levels in Xenopus Provide Insights into Optic Nerve Regenerative Success. Brain Research
Gibbs KM, Szaro BG. (2018) Tracing Central Nervous System Axon Regeneration in . Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
Hutchins EJ, Belrose JL, Szaro BG. (2016) A novel role for the nuclear localization signal in regulating hnRNP K protein stability in vivo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Wang C, Szaro BG. (2016) Post-transcriptional regulation mediated by specific neurofilament introns in vivo. Journal of Cell Science
Wang C, Szaro BG. (2016) Using Xenopus Embryos to Study Transcriptional and Posttranscriptional Gene Regulatory Mechanisms of Intermediate Filaments. Methods in Enzymology. 568: 635-60
Hutchins EJ, Belrose JL, Szaro BG. (2015) Phosphorylation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K at an extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation site promotes neurofilament-medium protein expression and axon outgrowth in Xenopus. Neuroscience Letters. 607: 59-65
Liu Y, Wang C, Destin G, et al. (2015) Microtubule-associated protein tau promotes neuronal class II β-tubulin microtubule formation and axon elongation in embryonic Xenopus laevis. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 41: 1263-75
Wang C, Szaro BG. (2015) A method for using direct injection of plasmid DNA to study cis-regulatory element activity in F0 Xenopus embryos and tadpoles. Developmental Biology. 398: 11-23
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