Evan S. Lutkenhoff

Neuroscience University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
schizophrenia, mouse MRI
"Evan Lutkenhoff"
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Tyrone D. Cannon grad student 2005-2011 UCLA
 (Multiple Genetic Determinants of Brain Structure Variation of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.)
Martin M. Monti post-doc UCLA
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Weiler M, Casseb RF, de Campos BM, et al. (2022) Evaluating denoising strategies in resting-state functional magnetic resonance in traumatic brain injury (EpiBioS4Rx). Human Brain Mapping
Cain JA, Spivak NM, Coetzee JP, et al. (2022) Ultrasonic Deep Brain Neuromodulation in Acute Disorders of Consciousness: A Proof-of-Concept. Brain Sciences. 12
Frohlich J, Crone JS, Johnson MA, et al. (2022) Neural oscillations track recovery of consciousness in acute traumatic brain injury patients. Human Brain Mapping
Frohlich J, Johnson MA, McArthur DL, et al. (2021) Sedation-Induced Burst Suppression Predicts Positive Outcome Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Frontiers in Neurology. 12: 750667
Cain JA, Spivak NM, Coetzee JP, et al. (2021) Ultrasonic Thalamic Stimulation in Chronic Disorders of Consciousness. Brain Stimulation
Schnakers C, Divine J, Johnson MA, et al. (2021) Longitudinal changes in blood-based biomarkers in chronic moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: preliminary findings. Brain Injury. 1-7
La Rocca M, Garner R, Amoroso N, et al. (2020) Multiplex Networks to Characterize Seizure Development in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14: 591662
Wright MJ, Monti MM, Lutkenhoff ES, et al. (2020) Memory in repeat sports-related concussive injury and single-impact traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 1-8
Lutkenhoff ES, Nigri A, Rossi Sebastiano D, et al. (2020) EEG Power spectra and subcortical pathology in chronic disorders of consciousness. Psychological Medicine. 1-10
Lutkenhoff ES, Wright MJ, Shrestha V, et al. (2020) The subcortical basis of outcome and cognitive impairment in TBI: A longitudinal cohort study. Neurology
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