Tsuyoshi Horiguchi

Tohoku University, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, Japan 
"Tsuyoshi Horiguchi"
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Katayama K, Horiguchi T. (2006) Chaotic Behavior for Asymmetrically Diluted Hopfield Neural Network with a Non-Monotonic Transfer Function Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 75: 44001
Lacková S, Jaščur M, Horiguchi T. (2004) Exact results of a mixed spin-12 and spin-1 transverse Ising model with two- and four-spin interactions and crystal field on the honeycomb lattice Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 339: 416-436
Lacková S, Horiguchi T, Jaščur M. (2003) Exact results of a mixed spin-12 and spin-S transverse Ising model with two- and four-spin interactions on the honeycomb lattice Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 326: 189-202
Lacková S, Horiguchi T. (2003) Exact results of an Ising model with three- and five-spin interactions on a square lattice Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 319: 311-318
Tanaka K, Horiguchi T. (2002) Probabilistic, Iterated and Quantum-Iterated Computational Methods in Gray-Level Image Restoration Interdisciplinary Information Sciences. 8: 33-50
Fukui Y, Horiguchi T. (2000) Ground State Properties of One-Dimensional Quantum Chiral XY -model Interdisciplinary Information Sciences. 6: 57-66
Katayama K, Horiguchi T. (2000) Da Costa-Nobre-Yokoi Model with Spin S Progress of Theoretical Physics. 103: 881-891
Katayama K, Horiguchi T. (2000) Generalization Ability of Hopfield Neural Network with Spin-S Ising Neurons. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 69: 2816-2824
Katayama K, Horiguchi T. (2000) Three-sublattice da Costa–Nobre–Yokoi model with spin S Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 277: 12-24
Wang Y, Fukui Y, Quartu R, et al. (2000) Chirality transition of XY model on three-layer triangular lattice Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 275: 450-462
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