Samuel Sutton
Affiliations: | New York State Psychiatry Institution, New York, NY, United States |
"Samuel Sutton"Mean distance: 15.67 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add collaboratorJoseph Zubin | collaborator | 1986 | New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Medical Center |
Gad Hakerem | collaborator | 1961-1986 | New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Medical Center |
Stuart R. Steinhauer | collaborator | 1968-1986 | New York State Psychiatric Institute |
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Friedman D, Sutton S, Putnam L, et al. (1988) ERP components in picture matching in children and adults Psychophysiology. 25: 570-590 |
Ruchkin DS, Sutton S, Mahaffey D. (1987) Functional differences between members of the P300 complex: P3e and P3b Psychophysiology. 24: 87-103 |
Mannuzza S, Kietzman ML, Berenhaus IJ, et al. (1984) The modality shift effect in schizophrenia: fact or artifact? Biological Psychiatry. 19: 1317-31 |
Sutton S, Ruchkin DS, Munson R, et al. (1982) Event-related potentials in a two-interval forced-choice detection task Perception & Psychophysics. 32: 360-374 |
Ruchkin DS, Sutton S, Munson R, et al. (1981) P300 and feedback provided by absence of the stimulus Psychophysiology. 18: 271-282 |
Bruder G, Yozawitz A, Berenhaus I, et al. (1980) Reaction time facilitation in affective psychotic patients Psychological Medicine. 10: 549-554 |
Bruder G, Spring B, Yozawitz A, et al. (1980) Auditory sensitivity in psychiatric patients and non-patients: monotic click detection Psychological Medicine. 10: 133-138 |
Babkoff H, Sutton S, Zubin J, et al. (1980) A comparison of psychiatric patients and normal controls on the integration of auditory stimuli. Psychiatry Research. 3: 163-78 |
Towey J, Rist F, Hakerem G, et al. (1980) N250 latency and decision time Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 15: 365-368 |
Yozawitz A, Bruder G, Sutton S, et al. (1979) Dichotic perception: Evidence for right hemisphere dysfunction in affective psychosis British Journal of Psychiatry. 135: 224-237 |