R. Steven Creed, D.Phil.

Physiology University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
"R. Creed"


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John Carew Eccles grad student 1927-1928 Oxford
Ragnar Granit research scientist 1932-1933 Oxford
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Creed RS, Granit R. (1933) Observations on the retinal action potential with especial reference to the response to intermittent stimulation. The Journal of Physiology. 78: 419-41
Brown CW, Creed RS, Denny-Brown D, et al. (1933) Reflex Activity of the Spinal Cord The American Journal of Psychology. 45: 780
Cooper S, Creed RS, Granit R. (1933) A note on the retinal action potential of the human eye The Journal of Physiology. 79: 185-190
CREED RS, DENNY-BROWN D, ECCLES JC, et al. (1933) REFLEX ACTIVITY OF THE SPINAL CORD The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 185: 118
Creed RS, Granit R. (1928) On the latency of negative after‐images following stimulation of different areas of the retina The Journal of Physiology. 66: 281-298
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