Andrea Volterra

University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland 
"Andrea Volterra"
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de Ceglia R, Ledonne A, Litvin DG, et al. (2023) Specialized astrocytes mediate glutamatergic gliotransmission in the CNS. Nature
De Ceglia R, Volterra A. (2022) Vesicular Glutamate Transporters in Astrocytes as Potential New Therapeutic Targets: Astrocyte-targeted Viral Vectors Expressing Inhibitory Nanobodies. Chimia. 76: 1033-1038
Di Castro MA, Volterra A. (2021) Astrocyte control of the entorhinal cortex-dentate gyrus circuit: Relevance to cognitive processing and impairment in pathology. Glia
Savtchouk I, Di Castro MA, Ali R, et al. (2019) Circuit-specific control of the medial entorhinal inputs to the dentate gyrus by atypical presynaptic NMDARs activated by astrocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Santello M, Toni N, Volterra A. (2019) Astrocyte function from information processing to cognition and cognitive impairment. Nature Neuroscience
Savtchouk I, Carriero G, Volterra A. (2018) Studying Axon-Astrocyte Functional Interactions by 3D Two-Photon Ca Imaging: A Practical Guide to Experiments and "Big Data" Analysis. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 12: 98
Savtchouk I, Volterra A. (2018) Gliotransmission: Beyond Black-and-White. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 38: 14-25
Schenck S, Kunz L, Sahlender D, et al. (2017) Generation and Characterization of Anti-VGLUT Nanobodies Acting as Inhibitors of Transport. Biochemistry
Bindocci E, Savtchouk I, Liaudet N, et al. (2017) Three-dimensional Ca(2+) imaging advances understanding of astrocyte biology. Science (New York, N.Y.). 356
Habbas S, Santello M, Becker D, et al. (2015) Neuroinflammatory TNFα Impairs Memory via Astrocyte Signaling. Cell. 163: 1730-41
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