Rebecca D. Burwell

Brown University, Providence, RI 
"Rebecca Burwell"
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Christine E. Cho research assistant Brown
Gidon Felsen research assistant Brown
Michael P. Saddoris research assistant
Kimberly S. Casten research assistant 2005-2008 Brown
Samantha L. Scudder research assistant 2008-2010 Brown
Krisha Aghi research assistant 2012-2015 Brown
Jennifer L. Barredo grad student Brown
Xiangyuan Peng grad student Brown
Taylor Wise grad student Brown
Fang-Chi Yang grad student Brown
Kara L. Agster grad student 2001- Brown
Valerie J Estela grad student 2014- Brown
Kristin Marie Scaplen grad student 2006-2011 Brown
Elizabeth AK Phillips grad student 2008-2011 Brown
Eunkyu Hwang grad student 2014-2019 Brown
Sharon C. Furtak post-doc Brown
Tara K. Jacobson post-doc Brown
Victoria  R. Heimer-McGinn post-doc 2013- Brown
Inês Tomás Pereira post-doc 2013- Brown
Sean Gregory Trettel post-doc 2018- Brown
David J. Bucci post-doc 1998-2001 Brown
BETA: Related publications


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Wise TB, Templer VL, Burwell RD. (2024) A novel behavioral apparatus for spontaneous exploration and operant conditioning of social information under spatial conditions in rats. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Wise TB, Templer V, Burwell RD. (2024) Information transfer from spatial to social distance in rats: implications for the role of the posterior parietal cortex in spatial-social integration. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
DeAngeli NE, Fournier DI, Gulledge AT, et al. (2022) Postrhinal cortex contributions to the expression of auditory fear conditioning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 191: 107609
Estela-Pro VJ, Burwell RD. (2021) The anatomy and function of the postrhinal cortex. Behavioral Neuroscience
Yang FC, Dokovna LB, Burwell RD. (2021) Functional Differentiation of Dorsal and Ventral Posterior Parietal Cortex of the Rat: Implications for Controlled and Stimulus-Driven Attention. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Peng X, Burwell RD. (2021) Beyond the hippocampus: the role of parahippocampal-prefrontal communication in context-modulated behavior. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 107520
Trettel SG, Agster KL, Burwell RD. (2021) Perirhinal and postrhinal damage have different consequences on attention as assessed in the five-choice serial reaction time task. Eneuro
Bucci DJ, Phillips RG, Burwell RD. (2021) Contributions of postrhinal and perirhinal cortex to contextual information processing. Behavioral Neuroscience. 135: 313-325
Ghosh M, Shanahan BE, Furtak SC, et al. (2020) Instantaneous amplitude and shape of postrhinal theta oscillations differentially encode running speed. Behavioral Neuroscience. 134: 516-528
Yang FC, Burwell RD. (2020) Neuronal Activity in the Rat Pulvinar Correlates with Multiple Higher-Order Cognitive Functions. Vision (Basel, Switzerland). 4
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