Andrew G. Ewing

1984-2010 Chemistry Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
 2011- Analytical Chemistry Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden 
Bioanalytical Chemistry
"Andrew Ewing"

Mean distance: 15.58 (cluster 6)
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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R. Mark Wightman grad student 1983 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Quantitative and Qualitative In Vivo Electrochemistry)
Royce W. Murray post-doc 1983-1984 UNC Chapel Hill (Chemistry Tree)


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Jake J. Hanchar research assistant Penn State
Donald M. Cannon grad student 2000 Penn State
Tom L. Colliver grad student 2000 Penn State
Steven W. Suljak grad student 2000 Penn State
Robbyn L. Prange grad student 2001 Penn State
Joseph Ramcharan grad student 2001 Penn State
Trent S. Snider grad student 2001 Penn State (Chemistry Tree)
Julie A. Lapos grad student 2002 Penn State
Drew P. Manica grad student 2003 Penn State
Thomas P. Roddy grad student 2003 Penn State
Elizabeth S. Roddy grad student 2003 Penn State
Lori A. Woods grad student 2003 Penn State
Hongwei Xu grad student 2003 Penn State
Leslie A. Sombers grad student 2004 Penn State
Sara G. Ostrowski grad student 2005 Penn State
Tracy L. Paxon grad student 2005 Penn State
Paula R. Powell grad student 2005 Penn State
Nathan J. Wittenberg grad student 2006 Penn State
Imee G. Arcibal grad student 2009 Penn State
Michael E. Kurczy grad student 2009 Penn State (Chemistry Tree)
Paul D. Piehowski grad student 2009 Penn State
Nicholas J. Kuklinski grad student 2010 Penn State
Monique A. Makos grad student 2010 Penn State
Bo Zhang post-doc 2008 Penn State (Chemistry Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Becquart C, Stulz R, Thomen A, et al. (2022) Intracellular Absolute Quantification of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics by NanoSIMS. Analytical Chemistry. 94: 10549-10556
Bohn PW, Cao XE, Chang S, et al. (2022) Advanced nanoelectrochemistry implementation: from concept to application: general discussion. Faraday Discussions
Albrecht T, Cao XE, Chen D, et al. (2022) Electrochemical data mining: from information to knowledge: general discussion. Faraday Discussions
Nguyen TDK, Mellander L, Lork A, et al. (2022) Visualization of Partial Exocytotic Content Release and Chemical Transport into Nanovesicles in Cells. Acs Nano
Rabasco S, Nguyen TDK, Gu C, et al. (2021) Localization and Absolute Quantification of Dopamine in Discrete Intravesicular Compartments Using NanoSIMS Imaging. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23
Hu K, Jia R, Hatamie A, et al. (2020) Correlating molecule count and release kinetics with vesicular size using open carbon nanopipettes. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Ranjbari E, Taleat Z, Mapar M, et al. (2020) Direct Measurement of Total Vesicular Catecholamine Content with Electrochemical Microwell Arrays. Analytical Chemistry
Gu C, Zhang X, Ewing AG. (2020) Comparison of Disk and Nano-tip Electrodes for Measurement of Single-Cell Amperometry during Exocytotic Release. Analytical Chemistry
Thomen A, Najafinobar N, Penen F, et al. (2020) Sub-Cellular Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Absolute Quantitative Analysis across Organelles. Acs Nano
Zhang XW, Hatami A, Ewing AG. (2020) Simultaneous Quantification of Vesicle Size and Catecholamine Content by Resistive Pulses in Nanopores and Vesicle Impact Electrochemical Cytometry. Journal of the American Chemical Society
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