Uwe Friederich

University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom 
"Uwe Friederich"
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Friederich U, Billings SA, Hardie RC, et al. (2016) Fly Photoreceptors Encode Phase Congruency. Plos One. 11: e0157993
Dau A, Friederich U, Dongre S, et al. (2016) Evidence for Dynamic Network Regulation of Drosophila Photoreceptor Function from Mutants Lacking the Neurotransmitter Histamine. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 10: 19
Friederich U, Billings SA, Juusola M, et al. (2013) We now know what fly photoreceptors compute Bmc Neuroscience. 14
Friederich U, Billings SA, Juusola MA, et al. (2012) Reverse engineering gain adaptation in sensory systems Proceedings of the 9th Iasted International Conference On Biomedical Engineering, Biomed 2012. 420-425
Friederich U, Coca D, Billings S, et al. (2009) Data modelling for analysis of adaptive changes in fly photoreceptors Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 5863: 34-48
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