Peter Scarfe

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
"Peter Scarfe"
Mean distance: 15.15 (cluster 23)
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Hibbard PB, Goutcher R, Hornsey RL, et al. (2023) Luminance contrast provides metric depth information. Royal Society Open Science. 10: 220567
Scarfe P, Glennerster A. (2021) Combining cues to judge distance and direction in an immersive virtual reality environment. Journal of Vision. 21: 10
Hornsey RL, Hibbard PB, Scarfe P. (2020) Size and shape constancy in consumer virtual reality. Behavior Research Methods
Marsh JE, Cook R, Scarfe P, et al. (2019) The temporal limits of the face inversion effect in developmental prosopagnosia Journal of Vision. 19: 23c
Skevik J, Scarfe P. (2018) Multisensory Detection: Using Vision and Haptics to detect hidden objects. Journal of Vision. 18: 92
Hughes R, Scarfe P, Hibbard P, et al. (2018) Perception of Object Movement in Virtual Reality Journal of Vision. 18: 499
Scarfe P, Hibbard P. (2017) A Bayesian model of distance perception from ocular convergence Journal of Vision. 17: 159
Asher J, Hibbard P, Goutcher R, et al. (2017) Efficient encoding of binocular disparity predicts sensitivity to depth differences Journal of Vision. 17: 1068
Hornsey RL, Hibbard PB, Scarfe P. (2016) Binocular Depth Judgments on Smoothly Curved Surfaces. Plos One. 11: e0165932
Hibbard P, Scarfe P, Hornsey R, et al. (2016) A 3D database of everyday objects for vision research Journal of Vision. 16: 289
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