Louise E. Berdan, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | College of Arts & Sciences: Psychology | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States |
Developmental PsychologyGoogle:
"Louise Berdan"Mean distance: 11249.1
Sign in to add mentorSusan P. Keane | grad student | 2009 | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro | |
(Emotional reactivity, aggression, and peer liking: The roles of gender and maternal socialization of negative emotions.) |
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Berdan LE, Keane SP, Calkins SD. (2008) Temperament and externalizing behavior: social preference and perceived acceptance as protective factors. Developmental Psychology. 44: 957-68 |
Chen E, Berdan LE. (2006) Socioeconomic status and patterns of parent-adolescent interactions Journal of Research On Adolescence. 16: 19-27 |