Amanda S. Shipman, Ph.D.

2011 Department of Psychology University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Organizational
"Amanda Shipman"
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Michael D. Mumford grad student 2011 University of Oklahoma
 (Leading for creativity: Competing leader influence tactics on creative engagement.)
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Stenmark CK, Shipman AS, Mumford MD. (2011) Managing the Innovative Process: The Dynamic Role of Leaders Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 5: 67-80
Shipman AS, Mumford MD. (2011) When confidence is detrimental: Influence of overconfidence on leadership effectiveness Leadership Quarterly. 22: 649-665
Byrne CL, Shipman AS, Mumford MD. (2010) The effects of forecasting on creative problem-solving: An experimental study Creativity Research Journal. 22: 119-138
Shipman AS, Byrne CL, Mumford MD. (2010) Leader vision formation and forecasting: The effects of forecasting extent, resources, and timeframe Leadership Quarterly. 21: 439-456
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